What Is a Spiritual Malady

But of the few who kept up with the God-consciousness proposal, improving it through prayer and meditation, life was amazingly productive and full of peace. They developed mastery over resentment, became free of anger and gained courage through the defeat of fear....

Is Mixing Cymbalta and Alcohol Safe?

SNRIs help boost the action of brain messenger chemicals called serotonin and norepinephrine. Your doctor may recommend that you avoid alcohol during your initial treatment or suggest that you consume only small amounts of alcohol while taking the medication. Or they...

Is Mixing Cymbalta and Alcohol Safe?

SNRIs help boost the action of brain messenger chemicals called serotonin and norepinephrine. Your doctor may recommend that you avoid alcohol during your initial treatment or suggest that you consume only small amounts of alcohol while taking the medication. Or they...

Men’s Sober Living in Massachusetts

She resides in Centralville, with her husband Tom, and two boys Ian (15) and Evan (13). Kerrie enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, and taking long walks with their dog Gogo. Erin’s House is one of two success homes (sober living houses) for graduates of...

Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications OORM

I recommend that bystanders evaluate where on that continuum a person may be before taking action. You likely wouldn’t call for help for someone intoxicated addressing unmet needs in opiate dependence by alcohol unless he or she was in distress. Learn more about what...